How does masturbation affect the heart and body?

For heart attack survivors, there’s good news and bad news: Sexual activity, including masturbation, has always been an anxious topic for heart attack survivors. Does it really trigger a heart attack? What can you do to enjoy sex or pleasure without worrying about suffering from another?
Most of the medications that protect heart attack survivors affect their libido. In fact, the meds might increase the chances of male erectile dysfunction. However, about .7% of a study population showed these people had attack followed by sexual intercourse. If you think about it, the numbers are pretty low, but of course, it still pays to have this in mind before they go on having pleasure with a partner or with their adult toys.
Masturbation and its connection with vital signs
Did you know that masturbation has been regarded as an important part of healthy sex life? Yes, so your playtime with your sex toys can definitely impact your vital signs and let’s hope it gives positive effects.
During masturbation, your vital sign is slightly increased as your body releases the same kind of hormones that fights stressful situations. So expect a rise in your heartbeat and pulse after fondling with your favourite vibrator – because these are totally normal body reactions.
Also, these increased in vital signs are temporary and could last until 10 minutes after the ejaculation. So if you have pre-existing hypertension, you don’t need to worry as long as you take proper medication or precaution.
Maintaining a good sex life is part of a holistic way of achieving to be a healthy person. While incidents of a heart attack after sex are alarming, these happen rarely and can be managed. A few simple things to add in someone’s routine include physical activity, meditation and a healthy diet. Regular intake of maintenance meds is also an important part to stay healthy. So before you get excited on your adult toys by magicmenshop, make sure you’ve done proper precaution at the least. Overall, this is not something you have to be anxious about or should hinder you from achieving your pleasure.